
Toshiko Mori Architect - Observations

The Harvard GSD faculty colloquium series event on the 20th of November proved an excellent opportunity for Toshiko  Mori to introduce her new book, Toshiko Mori: Architect Observations. Andres Lepik of the Architekturmuseum München, Landon Brown, director at VisionArc and Nicholas Fox Weber, Executive Director of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Executive Director joined her for the occasion. Our very own Cristina Steingräber was present to introduce the participants and the book concept. About 110 people tuned in to the event organised by the Frances Loeb Library, to listen to Toshiko Mori discuss the book and give an insight into the stunning projects presented, such as  the Thread and Fass School and Teachers’ Residence. Nicholas fox Weber was able to give futher insights into Toshiko Moris work from an outside perspective with reference to this particular project. A favourite moment for us at Architangle was the sneak peek of the stunning, denim-look linen bound volume which Toshiko browsed through on screen.


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