
Our busy end of year book launch and event season was kicked off by the presentation of Rahul Mehrotra’s new book, Working in Mumbai, as part of the Harvard GSD faculty colloquium series. The Frances Loeb Library and the South Asia Institute joined forces to organise the event on the 13th of November 2020 in the afternoon EST, which was evening for us here in Berlin. Ann Whiteside of the GSD took over the introductions, and the event began with a word from Mark Lee, Chair of the Department of Architecture. Following this, Rahul Mahrotra’s address was accompanied by a video flip-through of the publication, providing a sneak peek of the beautiful book to the the many people joined in. Eve Blau, Adjunct Professor of the History and Theory of Urban Form and Design and Director of Research at the GSD, also joined in the affair as an instigator of conversation. Alltogether, about 150 members of the public from a multitude of international locations joined in to hear about the book and the many tidbits of knowledge that came out of the discussion around architecture, identity, academia and practice.


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